
Six ways to retain customers

When times get tough, grabbing new business becomes the focus.  That approach couldn’t be more wrong.  Some studies suggest that it costs twice as much to gain a new customer than it does to keep an existing one.  Here are six things any small business can do to help retain customers.

1. Provide a progress report

Show your client the work you’ve done and the results achieved.

2. Meet face to face

Meeting in person says that you are interested in your client’s business and it gives you an opportunity to literally see things that you can help address.

3. Avoid jargon

Use terms the customer can readily understand.  He or she will feel more comfortable and sense you are working together as a team.

4. Ask for feedback

Throughout the work process, show the customer by word and deed that comments are taken seriously.

5. Tune your offering

As proud as you may be of your product, remember it;s being made for the customer.  Make certain you know exactly what your customer wants.

6. Be open to change

For any number of reasons, customers’ needs change.  Customers know they are valued if you show a willingness to work with them.